venerdì 15 febbraio 2008

Fai una donazione per la campagna di Obama

Di seguito, pubblichiamo l'ultima comunicazione dallo Staff di Barack Obama.

Thanks to you, Barack won all three of today's contests decisively.
Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC join a sweep of eight straight victories since Barack won the most states and the most delegates on Super Tuesday.
But the race for the Democratic nomination remains close. It's going to be a fight for every vote and every delegate in the remaining 18 contests.
Each of us needs to take responsibility for getting as many people involved in this campaign as possible.
More than 400,000 people have donated to this campaign in 2008, and we are on course to reach half-a-million donors before the crucial March 4th primaries and caucuses.
Now is the time to step up and own a piece of this campaign.
If you make a donation of $25 now, your gift will be matched by another donor like you, doubling your impact.
Make a matching donation now:

The upcoming contests in Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania will demand energy and resources on an unprecedented scale.
It's going to take all of us to keep these victories going. But if anyone is up to the task, it's this movement.
Thanks for your support,

David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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